Friday 10 February 2023 | 23

Banned for thirty years, leghold traps have found a new victim: Cooper.

Banned for thirty years, leghold traps have found a new victim: Cooper.

Mis à jour le 22 March 2023

On 23 January, Cooper was found injured. The border collie had his front right leg stuck in a leghold trap. These non-selective hunting devices have actually been banned in Europe since 1995. It is unbearable that almost thirty years later, animals continue to be victims of them. One Voice is filing a complaint for him.

Hr blog

This Monday could have been a day like any other for this five-year-old dog. But instead of returning to enjoy a nap on the porch of his house after his morning walk, Cooper found himself imprisoned in a leghold trap hidden among some straw after the deadly trap abruptly closed around his front leg. It was the police who discovered him like this, injured and immobilised, and let his owner know. He was taken to the vets urgently with an exposed joint and a torn tendon and had to be sedated while his wounds were sutured. When he left the next day, he had five days of medication to take!

Although Cooper was found and treated in time, you can hardly imagine the terror and pain he had to endure while he was kept prisoner. And all this for what? Because of traps mutilating and killing animals without discrimination, despite being banned in the whole of the European Union since 1995! What was this trap doing there? What’s more, it was placed near a path where a walker could have gone. As well as being illegal and dangerous for all animals, both wild and domestic, and humans, laying it shows great cruelty. One Voice is filing a complaint against X following the injuries inflicted on Cooper, and will represent themselves as well as the Sans-Voix d’Eden Association who alerted them to the situation, and Cooper’s family. The two associations have also covered the veterinary costs.

In 2018, One Voice already asked for a ban on these traps that massacre animals without any distinction, whether they are wild, domestic, or protected. It is high time that hunting is radically reformed and that its most cruel practices are banned as a matter of urgency.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

In the subject

Killing in pounds: the SACPA group tries to divert attention One Voice’s investigation into a 5-star pound: the industrial slaughter of cats and dogs

Comments 23

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Zanimo | Friday 24 February 2023

Des gouvernements successifs (représentant  une population indifférente voire lâche ou complice) couvrent les penchants les plus bas toujours dans une vue électoraliste. De la corrida à la chasse, aux expériences inutiles et sous de faux prétextes, en passant par un soutien systématique aux destructions de renards, loups, blaireaux, ragondins, bouquetins, dauphins, rapaces etc… ne parlons que des visibles, la nature est une victime silencieuse ! Soutenir et accompagner l’agriculture et l’industrie dans tout ce qui est destructeur mais pour le profit voilà une vision de l’avenir proposé. Dormez braves gens : si vous êtes un humain pas vieux, pas enfant, pas malade, vous aurez peut-être droit à des miettes.

Sisi | Saturday 18 February 2023

Il faut arrêter de harceler les animaux. Ce sont des êtres sensibles qui ont les mêmes droits que nous pour vivre libres

utab | Friday 17 February 2023

Interdisez ces pièges !

Domino | Friday 17 February 2023

De toute façon en France on ne respecte plus rien, et certaines lois ne sont pas appliquées. Mais de là à fermer les yeux, ils faut punir sévèrement ces personnes !!!