Monday 25 February 2019 | 5

Antonin. B: hair products under the label One Voice

Antonin. B: hair products under the label One Voice

Mis à jour le 19 June 2019

Anxious to respect a true ethic, the brand of hair products Antonin. B wanted to engage with One Voice and get its label "not tested on animals".

Hr blog

The main goal of the brand is to manufacture products that are beneficial to the health of hair, replacing silicones and other components with all-natural ingredients. The concern of the designer is also to respect the environment and that of all living things. With this in mind, they select the raw materials themselves, producing them on a small scale and limit the intermediaries in order to better control the quality as well as the ethics of their suppliers.

For Antonin. B, the label serves both to promote the brand's commitment to prove that it has taken the necessary steps to be ethically and respectful and to stand united with the stakeholders whose values it shares. Antonin. B joins brands already using the label, such as Altearah, Animaderm, Ashana.B, The Green Tree "well-being", Kadalys, The Canopy and Pur Eden, as well as the many other brands whose many products have obtained our label (Le Petit Olivier, Coslys, Stamen of the Lily, Lolita Lempicka ...).

A label like One Voice’s

For twenty years, the fight of One Voice, against animal exploitation and cruelty in all its forms, is also done by proposing solutions. At the heart of its action: working for a world finally delivered from violence, by making the voices of animals, humans and the planet resonate together. Its label "not tested on animals" does not make any concessions. It guarantees the absence of tests on both the finished product and its ingredients.

In its variants, other criteria are integrated: biological and / or vegan. And for absolute transparency vis-à-vis the "consumer". We also have a logo ensuring the absence of forced labour of monkeys for the harvest of coconuts, and the reduction of exports on products to China, who imposes tests on animals before allowing these products into the Chinese market place.

The guarantee of our One Voice label is therefore comprehensive: traceability is complete, from subcontractors to export markets. Ethics from start to finish!

A website dedicated to enlightened purchases

On our dedicated site, you will find a wide range of guaranteed products not tested on animals thanks to our label One Voice, but also for an ethical fashion thanks to the labels FFR and Animal Free that we develop in France!

For informed purchases, choose labelled!

Marc Rozenbaum
Hr blog

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Comments 5

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

trochu | Sunday 16 May 2021

Je viens de le découvrir et un grand BRAVO ET MERCI à cette marque mais surtout à vous ONE VOICE qui ne cessez d'informer et sensibiliser toutes les marques à cesser enfin et définitivement tous les tests sur les animaux.

Melutina | Tuesday 05 March 2019

Bravo et merci!

Anne | Thursday 28 February 2019

Bravo Antonin B. ! C'est formidable que vos produits ne soient pas testés sur les animaux et ne contiennent aucun produit provenant d'animaux. Bravo One Voice pour tout ce que vous faites pour aider les animaux. Je n'utilise que des produits non testés sur les animaux et ne contenant aucun produit provenant d'animaux.

Philippe et Karine | Thursday 28 February 2019

Les animaux n'ont pas à servir de cobayes pour tester des produits cosmétiques. La loi les considère comme des êtres vivants dotés de sensibilité????? En conséquence, il convient aux consommateurs de privilégier des produits dont le label certifie "non testé sur les animaux", eux-seuls peuvent changer le cours des choses et non, nos lobbystes qui eux, se moquent pertinemment des souffrances infligées aux animaux, pourvu qu'ils explosent leurs chiffres d'affaires sur la misère animale!!!!!