Wednesday 30 August 2017 | 27

Air France: Stop the freight of primates for animal testing!

Air France: Stop the freight of primates for animal testing!

Mis à jour le 30 July 2018

By an action organised this Wednesday in front of the air terminal of Air France, last major airline in the world to be transporting monkeys who are destined to laboratories for animal experimentation, One Voice launched its new campaign for regular flights without suffering in the hold!

Hr blog

It is a body-painted model who spearheaded this One Voice action. Painted in the colours of the association's tiger-totem, she has become a standard-bearer for the suffering of monkeys around the world, with two other human extras made-up to look like monkeys. In the presence of the media, she carried high the message that One Voice diffuses on the social networks: #PasDeSingesEnSoute to ask the company Air France, a big supplier of imported primates who are to be sent to laboratories in Europe or North America, to stop this trade tainted with cruelty.

Why does One Voice call for the end of these relentless trips without return? Because this monkey merchandise endures an unbelievable stress: separated from their families, confined to narrow cages, without free access to water or food, exposed unceremoniously to changes in temperature, humidity, light, pressure and to the noise and vibration of the journey, not to mention take offs and landings. Coming from rarely controlled breeding centres and often torn from nature, these monkeys from Mauritius, Southeast Asia or the Caribbean endure flights of several tens of hours, only then to reach the hell of laboratories. 

All the other big companies have made an ethical choice and stopped this type of freight. Air France-KLM, in the name of science’s best interests, continues stubbornly, while declaring itself a "responsible company".

Alternatives to animal experimentation exist, and nothing, except profit, justifies these long-haul journeys bringing traumatized primates to the laboratories. Enough with all this suffering!

  • You can also protest by writing to Jean-Marc Janaillac and Franck Terner, CEO of Air France! : An example email to send to and

Mr. Janaillac, Mr. Terner,

Your company insures the international freight of non-human primates to laboratories carrying out animal experimentation. Leaving from Mauritius or Southeast Asia, such long-haul flights impose great suffering on the animals. Like a majority of French, whether or not users of Air France, I beg you, in the name of modern and ethically responsible science, to stop this trade as soon as possible.


  • Read! Download and distribute the latest One Voice report: It gives information about the extent of the research currently conducted in France on non-human primates, the limits of this template for human health, new approaches and associated case studies from around the world.

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Améliorer la science et mettre un terme à la souffrance

Rapport : améliorer la science et mettre un terme à la souffrance

Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 27

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Freddie Fred | Friday 22 September 2017

Messieurs Janaillac et Terner, pourriez vous arrêtez cette cruauté inouïe et inutile envers les singes en ne les transportant plus, en les laissant vivre heureux dans leurs lieux de vie. Je vous en remercie.

patriciag19 | Thursday 21 September 2017


Je viens d'envoyer le mail a ces deux dirigeants. Merci a vous pour vos combats efficaces, visibles et engages :))

Corila | Thursday 07 September 2017

De tout coeur avec vous. Me joindrai volontier a une pétition, mais préfère ne pas fournir directement mon adresse email à une compagnie aussi peu scrupuleuse. En espérant qu'air France face amende honorable.

En attendant j'aimerais connaître les compagnies aériennes qui ne mangent pas de ce pain là. Celles là seules peuvent se prévaloir d'incarner l'exotisme du voyage enrichissant et libérateur.

Des primates dans des cales, destinés à l'expérimentation, c'est odieux et inacceptable. A nous de manifester notre désapprobation en boycottant cette compagnie, dans l'attente qu'elle redevienne fréquentable.

coco | Saturday 02 September 2017

Une honte pour ces pauvres petites bêtes sans défense alors qu'il y a d'autres méthodes alternatives, il faudrait que one voice envoie une lettre à ce sujet à l'Elysée pour faire cesser ces pratiques ignobles !