Wednesday 02 August 2023 | 6

A new double victory for One Voice: responsiveness and belligerence write the case law for bears in Ariège!

A new double victory for One Voice: responsiveness and belligerence write the case law for bears in Ariège!

Mis à jour le 25 October 2023

Our determination for bears has allowed us not to dwell on last week’s negative decision. In fact, the Toulouse Administrative Tribunal has just suspended the two decrees published on Monday evening (31 July 2023). No scaring shots will therefore take place tonight nor the next on the Arreau and Ourdouas pastures (second suspension ordered this year).

Hr blog

The hearing set for this morning was presided by a judge who had never had to rule before on our freedom emergency interim proceedings since the start of our weekly battles with the Ariège Prefecture. Among the questions he asked, we remembered this one in particular: if the scaring shots are so necessary and significant, why pass decrees for such a short duration?

We found the reasoning given by the judge for the Arreau pasture magnificent, and even more satisfying after the rejection the week before. Several specific arguments that we struggle with every time have finally been accepted, in particular on the issue of night watchmen, proof of significant damage, and proof that these simple scaring shots have taken place before any escalation of the measures implemented.

For the Ourdouas ‘shepherding group’, it was the same: the judge also referred the Prefecture to its responsibilities. It is for them, among others, to prove that the bears are the cause, not for us to justify that they have nothing to do with it.

This time, and it is a huge relief, the decisions have been returned before the shots even started. They are in line with the position we defend and are argued by Hélène Thouy and Olivier Vidal. Beyond the principle, it is also about, and above all against, the abuse of the Prefecture, who, let’s remember, only publishes these decrees to satisfy the farming lobby, without having the legal justification to do so.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 6

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Béa | Monday 07 August 2023

Une fois de plus un grand bravo pour votre ténacité qui a permis cette magnifique victoire.Les juges feraient-ils enfin d'intelligence du coeur et de l'esprit ??? Un grand espoir ....

Yvabra | Monday 07 August 2023

Les victoires sont toujours une joie quand il s'agit de défendre ces pauvres bêtes !

trochu | Sunday 06 August 2023

Oui bravo et merci à One Voice ! Ce merveilleux et si important combat contre l'effarouchement des ours a abouti en faveur des ours, c'est magnifique. Il faut juste espérer que ce soit définitif. Les ours comme tous les autres animaux sauvages sont tellement fabuleux, intelligents et font tous partie de nos régions, de notre pays. Ils doivent être défendus et protégés à jamais. Ces éleveurs devraient avoir honte que d'exiger de telles mesures ignobles envers les ours pour soi disant "protéger leurs troupeaux".

pouguy | Friday 04 August 2023

Attention, oui il faut protéger les animaux, mais surtout ne pas les laisser proliférer, c'est dangereux pour nous et aussi pour eux.