Friday 09 September 2016 | 3

A little slave has been born at port-saint-père

A little slave has been born at port-saint-père

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

A baby dolphin has just been born at Planète Sauvage (Wild Planet), in Port-Saint-Père, France. But what does destiny hold for this little slave? One Voice is calling for an end to captive dolphin reproduction, and for the closure of all French dolphinariums.

Hr blog

Hugging close to her mother's side, a baby dolphin swims in circles in the lukewarm water, under a beating sun

It can only have been born in the last few days, and is still breathing awkwardly with a nodding head, just above the surface of the water. Amtan, its mother, is a young sixteen year old dolphin, born in the Harderwijk dolphinarium. Living in Planète Sauvage since 2008, she has just given birth to her first child.

No-one is there to guide her in her new role as a mother. To entrust her to Lucille would be too dangerous. Last year, this unhappy dolphin with a tendency for deep depression killed Parel's baby in a brawl, also a firstborn. A senseless act in a natural environment but sadly common in artificial pools. Yet, Lucille is the only one who knows how to raise a child, the only one who has learnt from her own mother.

Who is Amtan's mother?

Who is she? She's Molly, born in the Gulf of Mexico in 1980. Her daughter could really do with her mother's guidance at the moment! But Molly remains in Holland.

This is how the dolphinariums operate: they separate the children from their mothers well before they become adults. The young mother is anxious. She doesn't really know how to look after her child. When a trainer offers her a fish, she doesn't even approach the sides of the pool. When the fish is thrown into the water, she doesn't touch it. Is she ill? Stressed? It is understandable. No baby has grown up in these pools. Above all, there have been many deaths in not many years.

First, there was Sammy, a young blue and white dolphin

He died in 1999 in the newly built Planète Sauvage pools. Then it was Thea's turn, a young female who came from Holland with her friends Parel and Amtan in 2008. She died three years later at the age of nineteen never having had a child. Minimos, who came from Park Asterix, near Paris, died at the age of eight. The cause of death is still unknown. And then there was Little, Parel's daughter, who didn't survive a week.

Will this fragile individual swimming alongside its mother live for a long time?... From the age of five or six, this baby dolphin will live what Galeo and Aicko are living: forced to incessantly fight in an kind of endless drama where the top dogs will always win. If the baby is a female, she will be impregnated until exhaustion. This young dolphin, with its body tailored for speed, will never swim in a straight line for more than a few metres before meeting a wall. It will never dive down to the depths chasing fleeting fish. This marine mammal will never know the sea.

On the 31st of August, One Voice visited Planète Sauvage to check on the little Galeo and the other dolphins. This is when they saw Amtan, accompanied by her newborn. An additional area of concern… It's time that this stops.

Sign and share our petition!

Photo caption: family life is essential to dolphins

Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Marineland: One Voice has obtained a temporary ban on moving the orcas - hearing on 16/01/2024

Comments 3

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

louna | Sunday 18 September 2016

Je réside à Cannes, lors des inondations d'octobre 2015 le parc aquatique Marineland avait été inondé causant la mort de beaucoup d"animaux. Une pétition pour la fermeture définitive de ce parc avait recueilli 2000 signatures
car il y avait de la maltraitance, mais en vain car l'argent gagne toujours...

Laurine | Thursday 15 September 2016


wettlé | Friday 09 September 2016

Je suis absolument du côté de One Voice nous devons tous exiger et agir afin que tous les delphinariums soient définitivement interdits en France mais aussi dans tous les autres pays. Tous ces animaux marins n'ont rien à faire dans de tels endroits et l'on ne cessera jamais assez de dire qu'un animal quel qu'il soit, n'est pas un "objet de distraction, d'amusement ou divertissement" mais qu'il est un être vivant au même titre que l'humain et non inférieur à celui-ci. Il est important et indispensable que les mentalités changent et évoluent en faveur des animaux et non contre les animaux, le respect la considération, la compassion et la reconnaissance doivent s'exercer pour tous les êtres vivants de cette planète et non juste "à l'humain". Il est donc nécessaire d'informer et de sensibiliser la population à la cause animale, à la condition des animaux afin de mettre fin de façon définitive à toute forme d'exploitations et d'utilisations d'animaux qui ne sont qu'ignobles, immondes, honteuses et INACCEPTABLES !
Il y a aujourd'hui, 23 OOO espèces d'animaux en voie d'extinction ce qui est plus que grave et inquiétant, il est donc nécessaire d'agir et de militer pour la défense et la protection de ces animaux, comme de tous les animaux qui ne sont qu'en danger et en voie de disparition à cause de "l'humain", si je puis encore le traiter "d'humain"....