Wednesday 05 October 2016 | 17

A European project that urgently needs our support

A European project that urgently needs our support

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

A European senator’s pilot project to promote alternatives to animal experimentation has just been approved by the budget commission following One Voice’s lobbying campaign. It still needs to be adopted by the European parliament in October. The public’s support is crucial. Let’s act now!

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This isn't the sort of news we come across every day…. A European deputy is knocking down obstacles one by one with an innovative project. A project which could truly revolutionise laboratory practices concerning animal welfare! This project provides real hope that one day animal experimentation will only exist in history books…

A founding project

The European senator Younous Omarjee is the founder of this pilot project which will help improve the evaluation of new alternative methods to animal experimentation in the European Union, as well as promoting the use and dissemination of existing alternative methods. Importantly, it will also establish education campaigns and specific training for scientists, and also doctors, veterinarians and businesses involved with animal experimentation.

Step by step

The project has been taken on in the first instance by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). One Voice provided support to this project, writing to the Euro-Deputies at each stage, particularly to the budget commission members, who needed to be convinced to vote in its favour… a big lobbying campaign that proved to be effective. Despite the fact that the rapporteur was against the project, it was passed by a large majority on the 28th of September, thanks to the action of One Voice and other NGO's, researchers and other civil players. 1 million euros will be allocated to this project in 2017! We just need it to be voted through in October's plenary session in the European Parliament…

A promise for the future

The acceptance of this project represents a big step towards replacing animal experimentation with more effective and ethical alternative scientific methods. It is coming up at a key moment because the Directive 2010/63/CE on the protection of animals used for scientific means could be up for review in 2017… This revision could be a milestone, prioritising and placing importance on the development of alternatives, as endorsed by the majority of the European deputies! It would also be an additional tool for One Voice who currently have a working group regarding animal experimentation at the National Assembly…

To support this project, share this information widely and write to your Euro-Deputies!

"Animal experimentation, which we believed for several centuries was essential to scientific progress, is being questioned today by citizens and associations who defend animal welfare, but also by more and more researchers who are questioning its scientific efficacy," stresses Younous Omarjee

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Comments 17

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Gege | Thursday 06 October 2016

Oui il faut l'arrêt de l'expérimentation animal toutes ces pauvres bêtes qui souffrent inutilement c'est trop cruel...

Maritza La | Thursday 06 October 2016

En respectant l'animalité, en étant conscient de la terrible souffrance qu'on lui inflige on est, on reste, on devient un humain.

zz | Wednesday 05 October 2016

Nous leur devons le respect pour tout ce qu'ils nous apprennent et nous donnent... Il faut en finir des souffrances et services à leur encontre !

Domi | Wednesday 05 October 2016

Enfin un pas vers l'interdiction de l'utilisation des animaux non humains (qui n'ont rien demandé) dans les expériences quelles qu'elles soient !
L'exploitation animale dans tous les domaines sera un jour considérée comme un crime, à l'instar de celle des humains au XIXeme siècle.