One Voice’s emergency interim suspension hearing at the Marseille Administrative Tribunal on 5 January 2023 against an official deer hunt.
Archives: News
Incidents during a horse and hound hunt in Rambouillet woodland: One Voice is once again calling for a true hunting reform!
After new violations committed during a stag hunt, One Voice is calling for a ban of this cruel hunting.
Urgent: let’s act together to stop monkeys being sent to the United States
Long-tailed macaques are going to be sent from Cambodia to the United States imminently; take part in our action.
Sand Rarity is working with One Voice against animal testing
The cosmetics brand Sand Rarity has obtained the One Voice certification label against animal testing and guarantees that its products are not tested on animals.
Cruel tests on 27,000 rodents will not be banned… for now
Opposing four representatives from the ministry, the Paris Tribunal ruled against us. But this is only the first step: we will continue to fight for these animals.
Non-protected herds and wolves killed: Ferus, One Voice, and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs are filing two pleas in Doubs
Non-protected herds and wolves killed: Ferus, One Voice, and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs are filing two pleas in Doubs
Non-protected herds and wolves killed: Ferus, One Voice, and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs are filing two pleas in Doubs
Non-protected herds and wolves killed: Ferus, One Voice, and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs are filing two pleas in Doubs
Press release
The Jura mountains are a wolf recolonisation front. The species has only reproduced there since 2019 and today there is an inventory of only two packs, including on the Swiss side. The status of this species therefore remains very precarious. However, following several attacks on young calves left in the field without their mother and with no protection, French public authorities prefer to kill wolves because they have decided to consider bovine herds as non-protectable: two animals have already been slaughtered this autumn including the mother of the pack in Risoux. A useless ‘solution’ that does not protect herds and wipes out families of wolves. And an illegal solution. Our associations have therefore filed a plea at the Besançon Administrative Tribunal against two decrees for defence shots signed by the Doubs Prefect on 10 October 2022.
Our legal arguments focus largely on two main areas:
The unenforceable nature and illegality of the technical note
The absolute ‘non-protectability’ of bovine (and equine) herds on principle focuses on a simple technical note from the Prefect coordinating the National Wolf Plan of 28 June 2019. This note has never been published so it is unenforceable and has no legal value.
This note highlights “unsuitable protection methods“, and for good reason! No research or serious testing of passive or active protection measures for bovines has actually been developed in France, while wolves have been back in our country for thirty years now.
As the technical note bluntly admits, it is “the State’s choice “not to make bovine and equine herds eligible for protection”“. In view of its unenforceable nature, this note cannot now base decisions on the authorisation of shooting at wolves under the exonerating framework of non-protectable herds.
The general nature of the ‘non-protectability’ rule for all bovine and equine herds is therefore perfectly legal.
Risk of a local population disappearing
In the “Guidance document on the strict protection of animal species of interest to the community pursuant to the Habitats Directive 92/43/CEE, established by the European Commission for the application of articles 12 and 16 of the Habitats Directive” (guidance document on which the French State must rely to develop its regulations with regard to the protection of wolves), it indicates that ‘”an appropriate evaluation of the impact of a particular exemption should in most, if not all, cases be at a level below that of the biogeographical region, for the sake of ecological coherence. A level of interest in this regard could be that of the (local) population.”
Which is to say that the authorisation of shooting wolves — even if they respect the shooting caps on a national level — must also be followed on a local level.
Yet the increase of defence shot decrees (more than 25) in the Jura mountains therefore also puts the population of wolves in great danger at a local level.
Finally, the non-publication of all defence shot decrees, if they are not illegal, makes decisions when it comes to shooting non-transparent and does not help in establishing a transparent dialogue between different parties.
Let’s remind ourselves again that the studies carried out (such as the thesis by Oksana Grente, France – 2021) have not approved shooting at wolves as a solution when it comes to preying on herds.
By continuing in this way, our three associations maintain that the State is wasting precious time for farmers and lacks in its advisory role for implementing effective protection measures in order to live alongside this protected species!
The only effective solution that remains is the effective protection of herds, bovines included.
June 18, 2024 update
Almost two years after we lodged our appeal, the Besançon administrative court ruled in our favor and annulled both orders!
In the case of the order concerning a herd of bovines, the judge ruled that the prefect could not unilaterally declare that a herd of cows could not be protected. In order to reach this conclusion, he must have a technical and economic analysis carried out, and submit it to the prefect coordinating the national wolf action plan. None of this had been done in this case.
For the second decree, the prefect had declared that the sheep herd concerned was well protected. However, the judge found that no evidence had been provided by the administration to confirm this. In addition, the prefect considered that the flock had suffered “significant damage”, yet the court noted that it had not been attacked for over 13 years!
The two decrees allowing the shootings were therefore illegal.
We’ve been saying it for years: the State must ensure that flocks are protected and help farmers to do so properly, not hand out shooting permits to have wolves shot!
Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human
Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human
Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human
Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human
Domestic animals
Are pet animals condemned to die in pounds if their human companion dies? Very often yes, in fact. This must stop!
We crossed paths with Holga. This dog was sent to a pound after the loss of her human companion. She waited there with no care and no attention before being eliminated like a piece of rubbish.
She was called Holga. This German Shepherd had a happy existence for a long time with her human. She watched over him for years, offering him tenderness and loyalty. And she had visibly been very loved in return.
And then everything changed: elderly, the man passed away. As often happens in this situation, the family did not want to take Holga in. The children contacted the Passerelles Pound to get rid of her…
Abandonment added to the pain of grief for the dog. Placed in quarantine on 23 November 2021, Holga found herself in a cold and bare cage.
When our investigators went there for the first time, they saw that she was injured, languishing behind bars. At that time, they did not know why she was there: was she boarding, at the shelter, or impounded? It was only during their second visit a few days later when they discovered her body in a freezer, her notes filed under deceased animals (with no mention of her serious injury) and her — brief — history, that they realised the tragedy that had happened behind closed doors.
The tragic story of Holga is not an isolated case. Thousands of animals perish in the same way in our country when their human dies or falls ill. Whatever their state of health, abandoned by everyone, they are slaughtered without being put up for adoption or if they are not adopted.
Rally with us to get Holga’s story known, just as despicable for her as the memory of her old friend. Everyone must be made aware that sometimes dogs, and often cats, are treated as rubbish by pounds.
Sign for an end to omerta and euthanasia in pounds!
Translated from the French by Joely Justice
Our fight against fur continues!
Animals who are victims of fashion still need us. Say no to fur in Europe with One Voice!
One Voice is defending a caracal, a victim of wild animal trafficking
One Voice is filing a civil case alongside the Athénas Centre against a caracal trafficker in Côte-d’Or.
In response to Aymeric Caron and One Voice, Air France communicates the date on which it will stop transporting primates for animal experimentation
Press release for MEP Aymeric Caron together with One Voice on 12 December 2022