Transparency for mouse lemurs: hearing on 17 January in Versailles

Transparency for mouse lemurs: hearing on 17 January in Versailles

Transparency for mouse lemurs: hearing on 17 January in Versailles
Transparency for mouse lemurs: hearing on 17 January in Versailles
Animal testing

In Essonne, the staff from the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) [French National History Museum] bred almost 500 grey mouse lemurs on which they led experiments. These small lemurs are subjected to awful abuse. On 17 January, at a hearing at the Versailles Administrative Tribunal, One Voice will ask in person to have access to documents relating to this breeding and non-human primate testing centre, to highlight these shameful practices.

In Madagascar, their native home, the grey mouse lemurs are victims of a loss of their habitat and are classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a species whose population is in decline. Should we not be coming to their aid rather than adding to their suffering? Whether they are protected or not, nothing justifies these small lemurs with big eyes being abused. However, in a Parisian region, in Brunoy, they are used for experiments.

There are currently almost 500 to be locked up in what is, to our knowledge, the biggest breeding facility for mouse lemurs in the world, and this despite an expansion of the site’s laboratory activities still being planned. Closely linked to us due to being considered as the base of the primate line, while being small enough to still be easily handled, these small individuals make ideal victims for cynical researchers. It is from this large ‘stock’ that the members of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) [French National Centre for Scientific Research], but also those from the Museum, dug them out to lead their tests. The mouse lemurs are then at best left in darkness or subjected to an accelerated alternated day/night to shorten their lifespan, or at worst isolated and undernourished for several days before being decapitated in a barbaric machine and packed off in bits to Canada.

A strange mission for the MNHN, who boast about “raising awareness of the importance of biodiversity” and who are supposed “to provide scientific support to… the characterisation of the species’ conservation status”. Is it really necessary to remind the Museum that we cannot prevent their population from decreasing by cutting the heads off animals?

This umpteenth revolting example does nothing but reinforce our fight for the victims of animal testing, far too often forgotten about in current claims. We already organised a rally to demand the closure of the grey mouse lemur breeding farm on 9 October 2021. A year later, we will stop at nothing and expect to obtain information on what these little lemurs endure, how the authorities inspect the site, and how it functions ethically.

On Tuesday 17 January, at the Versailles Administrative Tribunal, we are giving a voice to mouse lemurs with the unfailing involvement of our consultants from the Géo Avocats law firm. So that the ordeal comes to an end for the lemurs used at the MNHN site, make some noise with us by signing our petition!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

One Voice is rallying throughout France to stop fur being sold in Europe!

One year after the closure of the last mink farm in France, and with it the end of fur production in our country, it is time to say farewell to this cruel industry in the whole of Europe!
Supported by One Voice, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) for a ban on the production and marketing of fur in all member states has already reached a million signatures! The collection of European citizens’ signatures will end on 18 May; we must ensure that 500,000 additional people get involved for these animals.
One Voice is organising coordinated action in a dozen towns in France on the weekend of 14 and 15 January. They will also participate in their partners’ action in front of the Samaritaine [department store] in Paris, to put an end to this deadly fad in Europe.

A dying fox, a walker threatened: will the ‘trapper’ soon be identified?

A dying fox, a walker threatened: will the ‘trapper’ soon be identified?

A dying fox, a walker threatened: will the ‘trapper’ soon be identified?
A dying fox, a walker threatened: will the ‘trapper’ soon be identified?

After having received a witness statement from a shocked walker, and faced with the initial lack of reaction from the authorities, we have intervened to bring the unacceptable behaviour of a fox trapper, who has openly threatened this whistle-blower and subjected a fox to particularly cruel acts before killing it, to their attention. While these cousins of dogs are victims of an unbearable persecution, we will remain fully committed so that the investigation will allow the suspect to be identified and brought to justice.

One Voice’s action, crucial to launch the investigation

At the beginning of December, during a walk during which she simply wanted to benefit from nature, a woman found herself face to face with a panicked, dying fox with its paw in a foot snare trap, undoubtedly for several hours. Looking to come to its aid, she was violently challenged by the trapper who did not hesitate to insult her before threatening her, gun in hand. Additional proof, if there is any need for it, of hunters’ feeling of total impunity. The walker had to resign herself and step aside. The man then fired a first bullet at the fox, without killing it… Was this to prolong its suffering and benefit for the longest time possible from his hobby? The poor animal had to endure a few long seconds before it was finally put out of its misery.

While the initial report to local police seemed to go unheeded, we intervened to report these particularly serious facts and to demand a quick response against these acts of cruelty.

This decisive action allowed some progress: at the start of January, supported by our local point of contact, the walker was interviewed at the police station. An investigation was launched on three counts: illegal trapping, threats, and acts of cruelty towards an animal. She will, hopefully, be able to identify the trapper so that he can answer for his actions.

One Voice fully committed for foxes

For many years, we have reported on the fate reserved for foxes in France. Classified nationally as a ‘species likely to cause damage’, they are perpetually massacred. They are the subject of the most cruel hunts: horse and hound hunting, night hunts, underground hunting with hounds. Hunters do not hesitate to attack foxes, held on the ground before being violently killed, sometimes with metal clamps on their heads.

Red foxes are sensitive and intelligent beings who, like all animals, deserve to be protected. Nothing can justify the persecution and massacring that they are victims of. Faced with repeated attacks by hunters to kill more and more animals by resorting to the most unbearable methods, we are repeating our appeal for a radical reform of hunting, and will continue to intervene whenever necessary to give foxes a voice. Together, let’s demand that foxes be removed from the list of species likely to cause damage (formerly ‘pests’).

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Lack of safety in hunting: hunters 1, others 0

While 4 in 5 French people are favourable towards a ban on hunting on Sundays, the day when the largest number of accidents linked to this hobby are reported, the State prefers to strengthen the interests of a dangerously armed minority: an app-gadget to signal horse and hound hunts is not only anti-democratic, it is also to the advantage of hunters who will have their sense of ownership of nature and biodiversity reinforced.

Safety in hunting: One Voice reports on an umpteenth smokescreen

Safety in hunting: One Voice reports on an umpteenth smokescreen

Safety in hunting: One Voice reports on an umpteenth smokescreen
Safety in hunting: One Voice reports on an umpteenth smokescreen

When animal killers become just killers, the government offers Canada Dry, far from the expectations and despair of the French population who would like to benefit from nature and the great outdoors (the bit that is left) without risking their lives. One Voice is reporting on the dramatic under-sizing of government propositions that are taking shape in relation to the stakes. What it will take is a radical reform on hunting, not small measures that are once again insulting to grieving families and to biodiversity which is being wiped out before our eyes.

From the elusive to Canada Dry…

At the end of October 2022, Bérangère Couillard, the Secretary of State in charge of Ecology and therefore the hunting file, implemented a consultation – what made this necessary..? Because these announcements about hunting management are elusive… We thought that there would be a bill after the efficacy of the petition filed on the Senate’s site by the One Day A Hunter [Un Jour Un Chasseur] collective, then from our hearing at the Senators’ mandate… But no, still no immediate decisions.

On Monday, the Minister announced the result of this consultation. It involved, among other things, limiting hunters’ blood alcohol levels, a minimum measure which French people were gobsmacked by in the autumn when no restrictions had so far been imposed in this plan for people who were nevertheless armed in the countryside. A request that One Voice has been bringing up for many years, just like annual eye check-ups

Another of the measures expected by more than four in five French people to make hunting in France safe (a stable proportion for five years: see the three rounds of the IPSOS/One Voice survey in 2018, 2021, and 2022), is a hunting ban during the whole of the school holidays as well as for two days a week including Sundays.
Instead of this, the government is delivering a gadget, an application called ‘Suricate’ (they will tell us that just this once it is not a freephone number) which, if it did not concern the lives and deaths of others, would be laughable.

A hunting and gunmakers’ lobby that is stronger than safety and biodiversity

The lack of any political desire to change anything is such a pity. The accumulated deaths of animals and humans still do not measure up to a lobby for which we wonder how they still manage to dictate their own laws when they represent such a small minority. Country people as well as city-dwellers are more than fed up!

What can we still expect from a government that is not even capable of listening to the population? To keep them safe?
Horse and hound hunting is still happening, as well as underground hunting with hounds, penned hunting, and wild boar breeding farms, or deer being released to be killed. The French President even lowered the price of hunting licences by half during his first mandate! And the Ministry has opposed us so many times at the State Council to keep and justify the massacring of birds with cruel glue hunting traps and other traditional hunting methods…

If the great advances for biodiversity in general and animals in particular come down to plastic fast-food packaging and an app, we are far from the hopes raised by the ‘Make our planet great again’ from the beginning of Macron I.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

For the closing down of a colony of baboons at the University of Murcia

For the closing down of a colony of baboons at the University of Murcia

For the closing down of a colony of baboons at the University of Murcia
For the closing down of a colony of baboons at the University of Murcia
Animal testing

Stop Camarles, One Voice’s Spanish partner, has just revealed a video of the conditions that beagles and baboons are being kept in at a Spanish university where toxic products are being injected into the brains of monkeys and pig organs are being transplanted onto them. Along with us, call for this colony of baboons in Murcia to be closed down.

Edit from 19 January 2023

European regulations indicate a minimum of four to seven square metres of ground for two baboons, but a minimum of three to six cubic metres in volume for an individual in a zoo. Therefore, it is difficult to ascertain compliance with this regulation on the basis of the videos provided.

On 12 October, a baboon escaped from the cage in which it was being kept by the university. After having crossed the motorway and travelled from roof to roof, he was recaptured, hit with a tranquilliser dart, then taken back to the cage.

In response to this ‘incident’, One Voice is naturally working with the Spanish association Stop Camarles (with whom we are already partners for many projects involving primates destined for laboratories) and fifteen other associations worldwide to ask the ethical committee at this university and Spanish ministries to get this colony of baboons closed and to supervise the transfer of the animals to a sanctuary who could meet their needs without subjecting them to gruesome experiments.

The university will not even respect the regulations…

Yesterday morning, Stop Camarles revealed new images and videos, which show the dog kennels and monkey cages.

The one that escaped in October could, for the first time, feel the grass under his feet and climb real trees. Forcibly returned to the cage, he will have to, like dozens of other members of the colony, be content with a hanging tyre and a few platforms fixed onto the wire mesh.

The overcrowding is blatant. [Edit from 19 January 2023] Not to mention that keeping such different species such as baboons and beagles in such close proximity could potentially create stress that is easily avoidable for individuals from both species.

Baboons’ fate

Like the majority of science universities, this university in the south-east of Spain particularly offers courses in veterinary practice, biology, and biochemistry, interspersed with practical work involving live animals. And research using baboons is no more pleasing. Many of them were exploited here in the 2000s to study the xenotransplantation of pigs’ organs (a practice that has been condemned for a long time).

More recently, in 2019 and 2020, two articles were published by the University of Murcia in collaboration with French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Quatari counterparts. Here we discovered that more than thirty baboons from this colony had been injected in the brain with products (or had been used as controls) to create the appearance of dementia to be observed for two years, before all being killed for analysis of said brains…

Help us to put an end to these practices

We have started a petition along with Stop Camarles, Action for Primates, and PETA to demand the closure of this baboon colony at the University of Murcia and for the animals to be transferred to a suitable sanctuary. You can sign this petition and share it on social media in order to support our request and encourage Spanish authorities to respond to it favourably.

I demand the closure of the baboon colony in Murcia

These animal testing practices exist in Spain but also in France. You can consult our website dedicated to the figures and to recently authorised experiments for more information.

If you have witnessed practices that outrage you, do not hesitate to oppose them (as the students at the University of Strasbourg did recently, thanks to whom lab work using live hamsters will not be repeated next year) and to contact us to give your witness statement.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Lire la vidéo

The one that escaped in October could, for the first time, feel the grass under his feet and climb real trees. Forcibly returned to the cage, he will have to, like dozens of other members of the colony, be content with a hanging tyre and a few platforms fixed onto the wire mesh.

The overcrowding is blatant.  [Edit from 19 January 2023] Not to mention that keeping such different species such as baboons and beagles in such close proximity could potentially create stress that is easily avoidable for individuals from both species.

Baboons’ fate

Like the majority of science universities, this university in the south-east of Spain particularly offers courses in veterinary practice, biology, and biochemistry, interspersed with practical work involving live animals. And research using baboons is no more pleasing. Many of them were exploited here in the 2000s to study the xenotransplantation of pigs’ organs (a practice that has been condemned for a long time).

More recently, in 2019 and 2020, two articles were published by the University of Murcia in collaboration with French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Quatari counterparts. Here we discovered that more than thirty baboons from this colony had been injected in the brain with products (or had been used as controls) to create the appearance of dementia to be observed for two years, before all being killed for analysis of said brains…

Help us to put an end to these practices

We have started a petition along with Stop Camarles, Action for Primates, and PETA to demand the closure of this baboon colony at the University of Murcia and for the animals to be transferred to a suitable sanctuary. You can sign this petition and share it on social media in order to support our request and encourage Spanish authorities to respond to it favourably.

I demand the closure of the baboon colony in Murcia

These animal testing practices exist in Spain but also in France. You can consult our website dedicated to the figures and to recently authorised experiments for more information.

If you have witnessed practices that outrage you, do not hesitate to oppose them (as the students at the University of Strasbourg did recently, thanks to whom lab work using live hamsters will not be repeated next year) and to contact us to give your witness statement.

Open letter to Fabien Di Filippo regarding the fate of dogs neglected by the management at Arche de Bouba

Open letter to Fabien Di Filippo regarding the fate of dogs neglected by the management at Arche de Bouba

Open letter to Fabien Di Filippo regarding the fate of dogs neglected by the management at Arche de Bouba
Open letter to Fabien Di Filippo regarding the fate of dogs neglected by the management at Arche de Bouba
Domestic animals

One Voice is contacting a Moselle Member of the European Parliament and the Marne Prefecture regarding the animals abandoned in a pound.

One Voice has been alerted to the fact that the management at the Ranguevaux pound-rescue, Arche de Bouba, might be operating at different sites in several departments: the town of Nitting in Moselle and Sainte-Menehould in Marne. After joining the Moselle Prefecture, we contacted Mr Fabien Di Filippo, the deputy of the fourth constituency of this department, in order to ask him to implement measures to help rescue dogs who will be abandoned in this miserable place. We are also writing to the Marne Prefecture in order to ensure that no animal can be kept in this place in Sainte-Menehould any longer.

Photo DR

Fabien Di Filippo
National Assembly
126, rue de l’Université
75007 Paris

Vannes, 5 January 2023

Subject: Pound-rescue in Ranguevaux – Arche de Bouba

Dear Deputy,

You have surely been made aware of the latest facts relating to the matter of the Ranguevaux pound-rescue (57700), which has now been around for several years and which perfectly illustrates the lack of respect given to animals suffering under public powers in France.

The calvary of several sick animals (fleas, worms, coryza, typhus, feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus) needing urgent treatment, abandoned and kept in a place that is more like a rubbish tip than a pound, ended on Monday 26 December. The police, accompanied by an animal protection association and elected representatives from the town of Ranguevaux, were able to obtain their transfer to another organisation. Unfortunately, as reported in the regional media, some will not have survived and will have died with no concern.

With the Ranguevaux pound already being known unfavourably by the Moselle Prefecture’s veterinary services for several years, this situation could and should have been avoided.

Several dozen animals have already been taken there over time, suspensions of activities had been ordered, and the management had even been convicted of animal abuse and deceptive commercial practice.

It is unbearable that this pound-rescue’s activities are able to continue. What are the relevant authorities waiting for to get this place definitively closed? How many innocent animals are still going to suffer in agony for public authorities to make the necessary decisions?

Even if the surviving cats could have left this hell, One Voice had been warned of the fact that the dogs belonging to the management would themselves be kept in revolting conditions at another site in the town of Nitting, part of your constituency. Around ten dogs will effectively be kept in an unsanitary cabin as well as in kennels and on a veranda, and will only be fed two or three times a week because no daily human presence is guaranteed here.

Additionally, we have been informed of the fact that you would have known about these dogs’ situation and that you have refused to react to it, all while approving the words of an elected official who had stated: “They are only animals”.

If this is the case, One Voice would like to know your position on the situation, as well as the actions that you intend to take so that the animals that are still on-site can be rescued quickly, and above all, to get this place closed, which should have been done a long time ago.

We thank you for your attention to this request and await your response. Deputy, please accept our sincere regards.

Muriel Arnal,
One Voice President

Translated from the French by Joely Justice