Monday 24 December 2018 | 35

New Song the valiant horse riddled with lead pellets!

New Song the valiant horse riddled with lead pellets!

Mis à jour le 14 January 2019

Is it to scare and put pressure on a family (a human couple and their companions New Song the horse and his friend donkey) that the marsh which they own, has been the scene for a month of drama that nearly became a disaster? Or was it just a crude desire to make animals suffer? Destruction of the fences, setting fire to a shed, troughs overturned, then since that was not enough, the poor horse was targeted with fire! He paid with his health. One Voice goes to court for the New Song family: the culprits must be found and punished!

Hr blog

Since November 11th, the horse New Song and the donkey who keeps him company have been harassed. The fence of their paddock was cut down, poles were broken, their troughs moved and turned upside-down ... They were taken from their home by strangers who on several occasions sought to make them disappear. This stratagem did not have the expected result, a fire was then lit in the corner of the shed that serves as a shelter, fortunately it was quickly extinguished. But the wickedness of these people involved did not stop there: a few days later, the poor horse was hit twice by a rifle in his side and leg. Only 14 pieces of shot were removed out of 150 that hit the horse, this was recorded by the veterinarian who treated him urgently. 

New Song had spent that morning with his human friends. But then two hours after their departure, gun shots riddled his body, scared, in pain, bleeding and soon to be overwhelmed by fatigue.

The veterinarian found swelling from an oedema and wounds, although New Song's life is not at stake here, the pain and stress he has experienced is real. The life of the horse is forever upset. It will take at least a year to recover and cannot resume all its past activities. For our lawyer, "there is no doubt that the author of these facts was willing to inflict pain or even death of the horse, having fired point-blank twice at his flanks."

We have therefore pressed charges for acts of cruelty against a tamed domestic animal with the public prosecutor at the Sables-d'Olonne High Court, and our Zoe Cell will also represent the family of New Song.

We do not know anything about the people involved at the moment, but all of these attacks which this family has suffered and who adore their animals can only raise questions and disgust. Whether it is to pressure and threaten them or whether New Song and the donkey caused any inconvenience to people in the neighbourhood, it is still unacceptable to target animals!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 35

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Serge | Friday 28 December 2018

J'ai eu ce genre de problèmes. Je les ai résolus moi même en plaçant une caméra. Ce fut vite emballé comme affaire au tribunal correctionnel. (Preuves à l'appui = plainte contre la personne impliquée et pas contre X.)

River Song | Sunday 30 December 2018

Absolument la meilleure chose à faire ! Et mettre un panneau précisant qu'il y a des caméras à détection de mouvement, pour éviter que ces abrutis ne passent à l'acte. Evidemment, si l'endroit est nu, c'est impossible de placer des caméras sans qu'elles ne soient vandalisées. :(

révoltée | Friday 28 December 2018

Il y a des malades, des fous et des je-ne-sais-quoi ! c'est terrible ce qui arrive ici mais malheureusement ailleurs aussi cela se produit. Pourquoi ? c'est honteux et regrettable pour ces animaux qui souffrent sans comprendre.

echinacée | Friday 28 December 2018

que l'on enferme les coupables (si on les retrouve) dans un espace qui leur laisse autant de place que dans un élevage industriel ......

Aline | Friday 28 December 2018

Inadmissible et honteux comment peut-on s'en prendre à des animaux innocents. Inadmissible et honteux honte à ceux qui ont fait cette faut qu'ils soient punis sévèrement